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Decision Making

Decision making is choosing alternatives. The process involves:

  1. Identifying the problem to be solved

  2. Gather relevant information

  3. Identify the alternatives

  4. Weigh up the evidence

  5. Choose among the alternatives

  6. Take action

  7. Evaluate your decision

Problem Identification

Find out what it is you need to make a decision on. It can be a problem to be solved or a question to be answered.

Information Gathering

Search for relevant information that affect your decision. Look at instances where you succeeded or failed that is related to the problem or question.

List Alternatives

Identify possible solutions to your problems or answers to the question.

Compare Alternatives

Find the pros and cons of each choice.

Make a Choice

Once you are clear what you need to decide on, put together all ideas, and tested all possible pathways to take. It is time to make the decision.

Implement Your Decision

Act on your decision to make it a reality. Develop a plan based on your decision and complete the tasks.

Reflect on the Outcome

Think back whether your decision was effective - was the problem solved? Has the answer been appropriate? What could have been done better?

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